23. joulukuuta 2011

it's christmas !

Tomorrow it's christmas! I don't feel like it at all, there's no snow...
I have pretty much nothing in my mind, so there's not much to read..
I'm putting few pictures up though..

13. joulukuuta 2011

First of all, I'm sorry I haven't been updating (at all for a month).... I just don't really have much to write about..

School is alright, I don't really like it at the moment... We have body massages... not my thing.. Today I got full body treatment and it was awkward.. I'm just happy we're not that far yet. I'm bored, I don't feel like doing the stuff we do in school, customer service... bleh.. Christmas holiday please come already..

I got a new laptop, finallyyy! and now I'm just trying to get use to it... And I'm going christmas shopping on friday ! I'll be having lots of stuff to carry home then...