28. helmikuuta 2012

work work work...

At the moment I'm sitting at the computer class at school making my computer work stuffs... Today I've done four or five tasks and I'm bored.. I've been rolling around the class helping others and I'm still already done everything for today..

There's the tasks I've done here during school..

I kinda enjoy these classes since this is easy to me.. The bad side in that is the fact that then I need to help others and can't concentrate to my work completely..

But now I'll go back to boredom and try to get something done..

27. helmikuuta 2012


So.. Here are the gifts I got yesterday and better pictures of the presents I got from Heidi and Linda :)

 lots of chocolate and other goodies :)

Muumi glasses 

more chocolate from Estonia :) it means ''dear''

little make up bag and a light eyeshadow :)

 little ladybug earrings, they're so cute 

and lots and lots of moneeey :)

26. helmikuuta 2012

it's party time, people!

Today all my relatives came to celebrate my 17th birthday and let me tell you, making all the cakes and cupcakes was not fun at all.. or getting everything done by today..

I also had practice today so I've been running around this day. ALSO Heidis birthday is today so happy birthday babe :)

Here's few pics from wednesday:

I'll put up pictures of my presents tomorrow so see ya later guys! :)

23. helmikuuta 2012


So yesterday was my birthday and the girls had planned a great day for me..

First I had to make my way to Helsinki and I met Heidi there who led me to a cinema and we met Linda there.. They had booked us tickets to a movie called Puss in Boots.. It was an awesome movie, I've been wanting to see it..

After the movie we stopped by at Subway to eat and then Linda offered to buy me and Heidi some pastries at arnold's.. 

We went to few shops and then decided to stop for few seconds and then I got Heidi and Lindas presents.. I totally liked them..

(ear rings and the little bag are from Heidi and the eyeshadow in the round box is from Linda)

Then we left to the railway station and Linda took a train home and me and Heidi took a bus to my place.. I even got Heidi to play PS2 with me, and got her excited about it :) Heidi spent the night at my place and left today about at half four..

I also bought cute nails polishes from Kicks :)

I would say that this birthday was really pleasent and I enjoyed it alot :)
So thank you!

18. helmikuuta 2012


How is it that being on the edge makes you realise the value of another person in your life ? How is it that then you realise how much they mean to you ? That you need them more than ever ? That even a little hug would make you happier than ever or hearing their voice ?

I'm in that point right now, and I'm scared to death of what's going to happen, scared to death to open up to the girl I love now more than ever, just because I feel like I'm not allowed to do that. I would do anything just to hear her voice right now, anything to get her here.. I may sound pathetic but I don't give a fuck about what you guys think now. I love that girl and I'm going to keep her in my life, make this work. I'm not willing to give up on her.

Even if I feel like I've been battered a million times and I only feel pain, I wont stop trying. I promised myself I would fight for her and that I will do. I'm gonna feel this pain, turn it into strength and get myself together, keep her.

17. helmikuuta 2012


So yes, I'm sick again, and today starts long waited a week long vacation..

My birthday is on wednesday but I don't know if I'm gonna do anything then, I hope I could spend time with Heidi. On sunday my relatives are coming to celebrate my 17th birthday..

But now I'm writing a page long essay for my english teacher, somehow I don't feel like it's gonna be a page long..

Sorry people but I really don't have anything to write about now..

13. helmikuuta 2012

baby ima be there..

School's been okay, new schedule, new subjects and maybe a new attitude.. Not much to tell you guys so sorry about that..

7. helmikuuta 2012


I've been challenged by Linda to do this challenge..

What five things would you buy if you had all the money in the world ?
After this, challenge five other bloggers.

1. Dream houses
The reason why that's a plural is that I would buy a house for my parents and my granma and give them the money they need and so they can make their dreams real. I would have my own peace and could do and go how I want.

2. New camera
I've been dreaming of new camera for few years now and I've never gotten one. I love taking photographs and with my camera, taking good quality and pretty photos is not possible.

3. Donation
I would donate money for charity. I would want to donate money now but since I'm underaged and don't have money like that, I can't. I feel bad when I watch those shows who show these kids who don't have anything what's ordinary to us.

4. Artificial Nails
I've been dreaming of beautiful and long nails that last for the last few months now. All you need is to take care of them once a month and you're good.

5. Pampering My Friends
I would spoil my friends to death, well maybe not till they die but you get the point. Making my friends smile and be happy is one thing that I love. I don't like it when my friends are miserable or pouty. I would take them out to movies or to eat or just shopping :)

I don't know if you think these are the greatest five things but that's I would do, you can decide what you would buy.

I'm going to challenge:

3. helmikuuta 2012

after thursday comes friday..

Finally the weekend came ! Tomorrow we go to Korso to a dance competition and I hope we don't suck too much and win our biggest (and also the worst who can't do anything) compiting team. It's gonna be like 10 hour day I think so I have to up at 7.30 (way too early for me) , leave at 8.15 and be at the venue at 9.00.. kind of a tight schedule if you ask me. Final practice is at 10.05, competition begins at 1.00 pm, prizes are given at 5.00 pm.. then we can leave.. I hope that at least one team from our association gets a prize..

After the competition Heidi comes to my place lovin it! :), we have all kinds of food and goodies here just for her.. (i know you read this so don't even try to ask :)). Don't know what we're going to do yet but I guess we figure it out.

I've noticed that I started to post a little bit more than usually now that I'm seriously bored, and I think you can see that in these posts since there's not much to tell that's important. Sorry about that. But now I gotta go pack my things for tomorrow and make some food too :)

2. helmikuuta 2012

haunting secrets

My life is full of secrets nowadays, I hate it.. I don't like keeping things from the people I care about or anyone who I call a friend.. Keeping the most important and biggest secret from alot of people, haunts me, it's in the back of my mind all day..every day...
Its affect on me is big, I need to hide a big part of myself, let people see only the ''liar'' part of me.. I don't like it at all.. But that's what I need to be, a liar, to keep the most important person in my life in it.. I need to watch what I say, how I act and what I do just not let anything slip..
I can't talk to anyone about anything I have in my mind, I'm scared to let my mom know about anything that's happening in my life.
I would want to be open about everything in my life and let everyone know who I really am. I hope everyday that the day would be different, that all those secrets were gone. That I wouldn't have to hide and lie.. But no day is different than an other one, all remains as it is..

(GIF: fanpop.com)


 Well.. nothing big today, didn't go to school, part of the reason is that I hate customer service atm and the other part is that I didn't feel too great.. I had practice yesterday and, well.. now my back and legs are killing me.. So I've been sitting at home from half ten doing pretty much nothing but play facebook games and watch The Vampire Diaries..

(GIF: fanpop.com)