7. helmikuuta 2012


I've been challenged by Linda to do this challenge..

What five things would you buy if you had all the money in the world ?
After this, challenge five other bloggers.

1. Dream houses
The reason why that's a plural is that I would buy a house for my parents and my granma and give them the money they need and so they can make their dreams real. I would have my own peace and could do and go how I want.

2. New camera
I've been dreaming of new camera for few years now and I've never gotten one. I love taking photographs and with my camera, taking good quality and pretty photos is not possible.

3. Donation
I would donate money for charity. I would want to donate money now but since I'm underaged and don't have money like that, I can't. I feel bad when I watch those shows who show these kids who don't have anything what's ordinary to us.

4. Artificial Nails
I've been dreaming of beautiful and long nails that last for the last few months now. All you need is to take care of them once a month and you're good.

5. Pampering My Friends
I would spoil my friends to death, well maybe not till they die but you get the point. Making my friends smile and be happy is one thing that I love. I don't like it when my friends are miserable or pouty. I would take them out to movies or to eat or just shopping :)

I don't know if you think these are the greatest five things but that's I would do, you can decide what you would buy.

I'm going to challenge:

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