23. helmikuuta 2012


So yesterday was my birthday and the girls had planned a great day for me..

First I had to make my way to Helsinki and I met Heidi there who led me to a cinema and we met Linda there.. They had booked us tickets to a movie called Puss in Boots.. It was an awesome movie, I've been wanting to see it..

After the movie we stopped by at Subway to eat and then Linda offered to buy me and Heidi some pastries at arnold's.. 

We went to few shops and then decided to stop for few seconds and then I got Heidi and Lindas presents.. I totally liked them..

(ear rings and the little bag are from Heidi and the eyeshadow in the round box is from Linda)

Then we left to the railway station and Linda took a train home and me and Heidi took a bus to my place.. I even got Heidi to play PS2 with me, and got her excited about it :) Heidi spent the night at my place and left today about at half four..

I also bought cute nails polishes from Kicks :)

I would say that this birthday was really pleasent and I enjoyed it alot :)
So thank you!

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