28. kesäkuuta 2011

there's a....

floor after all! Finally, I finally have some free space on the floor, we even managed to be nerdy with Linda, we got to play Playstation 2 and Wii here. I haven't had such good laughs as today in a looong time with her. I also haven't been having much time to be with Linda now that she first moved to Tikkurila and now I moved here and we've both been just packing and unpacking stuff. I'm really excited to get this done and all the stuff to their places so I can have my girlfriend stay here for few days.

Yesterday we went to IKEA so I did have my bed and few pillows and boxes. I also got my bed put together and a matress in it and all sheets put to it.
I'm getting so done with this organizing that I'd like to just snap my fingers and have it done just like that. We also took my school acceptance letter to the post so it gets there before the 30th of this month.

I'm actually really happy that this is getting somewhere so all the things aren't just sitting on the floor for a year.

Here's a picture of yesterdays total:

And here's some of todays total:

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